Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What is the purpose of comments on main stream news articles

Here lately I have been posting in the comments sections of several mainstream News articles, and have noticed a trend. The trend is ‘Censorship’ of People or persons that apparently don’t follow the owners of these organizations agendas, or maybe their sponsors.

What is the purpose of having comments sections attached to their articles? One would assume they were for the purpose of allowing an individual an ‘equal opportunity’ to exercise their ‘personal private’ first amendment rights ‘allegedly secured’ by the first amendment of the Constitution of these United States of America.

One would assume these sections were a means provided to the ‘Private Citizens’ to engage in reasonable and rational discourse in the ‘main stream Media’. This does not seem to be the case at all in reality. While they give the appearance of offering average Citizens a means to express themselves, their moderators seem to be very selective in what they allow to be published and remove any and sometimes ALL comments made by ‘certain individuals’.

The right to freedom of speech and press secured to People by the first amendment and granted to persons (Main Stream News Agencies) created by the law was never intended to secure any right to slander and or printed libelous material. It seems to be used for that purpose mostly (to slander and or print libelous material) by both People and persons. As a member of the American society I feel it is a irresponsible and irrational use of this right that all People have to use it to slander, defame, and act like children on a school yard.

The major news agencies which actually don’t have any ‘natural rights’ (See Note 1 & 1a) secured by any Law all draw on this amendment to secure their ‘privileges’. (See Note 2) These agencies (News Media) are not People and as such have no ‘natural rights’ secured by any law. They are ‘persons’ which are a creation of our law. In Law all people are considered persons, but not all persons are People.

The moderators of these agencies will use all sorts of claims to remove from their comments anything that does not fit their agenda. I do moderate my own pages. Over the course of the last year or so what I have censured are references to porn, where to get drugs from Canada, where to get pecker pumps, other advertisements and the likes, and never any discourse of a person (Citizen with something to say and not an advertisement that links to them for some monetary purpose.).

I have posted to the Washington Post, and the USA Today comments merely to be removed. I was NEUTRAL in what I had to say other than maybe I feel our ‘public servants’ (See Note 3) are serving us. I see articles like http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-27/wealthier-people-more-likely-than-poorer-to-lie-or-cheat-researchers-find.html or http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0312/74168.html or http://www.washingtonpost.com/business/ousted-ceo-largest-us-electric-company-says-duke-energy-wanted-merger-exit-as-costs-rose/2012/07/19/gJQAJKm0wW_story.html or http://www.freep.com/article/20120731/BUSINESS07/120731004/Gas-prices-rise-for-fourth-consecutive-week?odyssey=mod%7Cnewswell%7Ctext%7CFRONTPAGE%7Cs and they are quickly removed. WHY? Censorship is all I can think.

Recently this http://www.newsobserver.com/2012/07/22/2212726/in-wake-backdating-dwis-goes-beyond.html article has caught my attention. This is a serious problem!!! I feel that We the People have a similar problem nationwide which needs to be addressed. I am thankful to the News Observer for allowing me to post to the comments here.

Recently in a private communication (Email) between myself and a local Law Professor he has implied that the States Laws are not a matter of Public Record and that Counties are not required to make available the Public Laws to ‘Private Citizens’ in a system of libraries. This IS how and WHY Officials frequently by their own admission in the article supra can make their own rules and apply them.

The Rules that Regulate THEM are published, at the Tax Payers’ Expense but according to the Law Professor is not a matter of Public Record which Counties are required to make available to the Public. If this IS a fact is it any wonder We as a Nation are in trouble?